Valkyrie was created for users wanting to create their own adventures and share it with the community.

Create your Quest

Be the Game Master and start to create your own stories.

Scenario Editor

Use the Scenario Editor to place tokens and tiles whatever you want.

alternative alternative

Event Driven

Create events for your tokens, tiles, heroes and more.

Share with the community

After finishing others can play your scenario.

alternative alternative

Test Your Scenario

After finishing your scenario you can play it or play the quests from other creators

Language Selection

Scenarios can be available in many languages, the community is able to localize the content

Leave a Feedback

Players are invited to review the scenario at the end of the story, creating a feedback loop with the content creator


Short Introduction Video


Run the installer and install to desired location, then start Valkyrie. The import might take a minute, so don't be too hasty. If import does not complete or is not working, please check out the Troubleshooting section.

Requires the install of the FGG app related to the boardgame you want to play:

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If you already have a version of Valkyrie installed, please uninstall it first.

Install the official app using the Google Play Store:

1. Start the official app and wait until the loading is complete (the wait cursor inside the main menu is gone).

2. Enable "Unknown Sources" under Settings → Security → Unknown Sources. Copy the Valkyrie APK file to your device.

3. Run the valkyrie APK to install. After the install, you will find an app named "Valkyrie" in your list of apps.

4. Run it. Allow all permissions the app requests. Press the "Import" button inside the Valkyrie app. The import might take a while. After the import you are able to run the desired game type.

If you get a black screen, please go to app settings and check that storage permissions are on.

If the import fails, make sure you have enough internal storage space available. Each game type requires up to 300 MB. To be extra sure, have 1 GB of free space available.

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Mac OS Gatekeeper must be disabled:

In the Finder, locate the app you want to open. Don’t use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu.

1. Press the Control key and click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu. Click Open.

2. The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it just as you can any registered app.

If importing does not complete, please attempt to run Valkyrie at elevated privileges.

Also make sure, you have folder permissions. Move your Valkyrie download to the folder Applications inside the Finder app. Then run chmod +x /Applications/Valkyrie.app/Contents/MacOS/Valkyrie in the Terminal app.

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For Linux there is no automatic import either:

1. Copy content/<type>/ffg from another imported installation or

2. Run with -import <location> where <location> is Road to Legend or Mansions of Madness data.

For example /home/ <username> /.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Descent Road to Legend for Road to Legend.

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Fire OS

Use the Android version of Valkyrie, it will also work on Fire OS.

You have to download and install the official OBB file manually (You can get it here)

Copy the file to <storage>/Android/obb/<game> (If the path doesn't exist, create it)

1. < storage > should be the "Internal Storage". /storage/emulated/0 in most of the cases.

2. < game > must be either:

Mansions of Madness: com.fantasyflightgames.mom/ main.906.com.fantasyflightgames.mom.obb

Road to Legend: com.fantasyflightgames.rtl/ main.459.com.fantasyflightgames.rtl.obb

Enable "Unknown Sources" under Settings → Security → Unknown Sources. Copy the valkyrie APK file to your device. Run the valkyrie APK to install. After the install, you will find an app named "Valkyrie" in your list of apps. Run it. Allow all permissions the app requests. Press the "Import" button inside the Valkyrie app. The import might take a while. After the import you are able to run the desired game type.

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While we don't ship a client due to Apples forced App Store requirements, you can stream Valkyrie to iOS from your Windows PC using KinoConsole.

Just install Valkyrie and KinoConsole Server on your PC (restart your PC as required). Start the new, installed "Kinoni Streamer" application. Go to "Quick Launch", "Browse..." and add the Valkyrie.exe (usually found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Valkyrie\Valkyrie.exe).

Install the App KinoConsole from the App Store. If your iOS device and the PC are in the same WLAN, it should automatically detect the server and you will find "Valkyrie" in the list of launchable Apps. See also: Official Setup Guide.

Older iOS versions (< iOS 10) don't support KinoKonsole. You can try to use Splashtop Personal on those.